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Category: Release Notes

Upcoming Features

The NetSuite Community Exchange is already helping NetSuite customers connect, but we're not done! We're happy to announce additional features and improvements you can look forward to in the near future.

International Registration

Soon, we will expand the Oracle NetSuite Community Exchange beyond the United States and enable our many international NetSuite customers access. This is one feature asked for by the community.

International Submissions

Along with International Registration is International Product Submissions. These two features will expand our reach across the globe, allowing all NetSuite customers to be a part of the ever-growing Community Exchange.

Product Pricing

Another upcoming feature that we're very excited about is Product Price and Unit Submissions. In this future update, you will be able to include a price and unit designation for each product you submit.

Drop Shipping

You asked, and we listened! One more improvement that you can look forward to soon is drop ship! We know that drop shipping is an important feature for many NetSuite customers, and we are hard at work adding this functionality to the exchange.

These updates are the direct results of feedback from you, our valued NetSuite customers and Community Exchange members. We hope these features help improve the experience for all community members and encourage more connections across the globe. We could not do this without you, so please keep your feedback and requests coming. Thank you all!

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